

Orate supports Azure's speech and transcription services.

Azure Cognitive Services by Microsoft are a collection of artificial intelligence (AI) APIs that help developers create applications with advanced AI capabilities. These services are available on Microsoft Azure, a cloud computing platform.


The Azure provider is available by default in Orate. To import it, you can use the following code:

import { azure } from 'orate/azure';


The Azure provider looks for the AZURE_API_KEY and AZURE_REGION environment variables. These variables are required for the provider to work. Simply add the following to your .env file:

AZURE_REGION="your_region" # e.g. "eastus"


The Azure provider provides a single interface for all of Azure's speech and transcription services.

Text to Speech

The Azure provider provides a tts function that allows you to create a text-to-speech synthesis function using Azure Speech Service.

import { speak } from 'orate';
import { azure } from 'orate/azure';
const speech = await speak({
  model: azure.tts(),
  prompt: 'Hello, world!',

You can specify the voice to use by passing it as an argument to the tts function.

const speech = await speak({
  model: azure.tts('en-US-AriaNeural'),
  prompt: 'Hello, world!',

Speech to Text

The Azure provider provides a stt function that allows you to create a speech-to-text transcription function using Azure Speech Service.

import { transcribe } from 'orate';
import { azure } from 'orate/azure';
const text = await transcribe({
  model: azure.stt(),
  audio: new File(...),

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