
Orate supports Replicate's speech and transcription models.

Replicate makes machine learning as easy to use as any other type of software. It has a library of hundreds of open-source models that you can run with a few lines of code. And if you’re building your own machine learning models, Replicate makes it easy to deploy them at scale. Orate supports any Replicate model.


The Replicate provider is available by default in Orate. To import it, you can use the following code:

import { replicate } from 'orate/replicate';


The Replicate provider looks for the REPLICATE_API_TOKEN environment variable. This variable is required for the provider to work. Simply add the following to your .env file:



The Replicate provider provides a single interface for all of Replicate's speech and transcription models.

Text to Speech

The Replicate provider provides a tts function that allows you to create a text-to-speech synthesis function using Replicate's TTS models. The Replicate provider is unique in the fact that it requires both an inputTransformer and an outputTransformer to be passed to the tts function.

This is because every model on Replicate has a different input and output format. We'll cover how to create these transformers in the next section. For example, the following code creates a text-to-speech synthesis function using the jaaari/kokoro-82m model.

import { speak } from 'orate';
import { replicate } from 'orate/replicate';
import { inputTransformer, outputTransformer } from './kokoro-82m-utils';
const speech = await speak({
  model: replicate.tts('jaaari/kokoro-82m:dfdf537ba482b029e0a761699e6f55e9162cfd159270bfe0e44857caa5f275a6', inputTransformer, outputTransformer),
  prompt: 'Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears!'

Input Transformer

The inputTransformer is a function that takes the Orate input and transforms it into the format that the model expects. In this instance, jaaari/kokoro-82m expects an object with a text property. Let's create an input transformer for this:

export const inputTransformer = (prompt: string) => ({
  input: { text: prompt },

Output Transformer

The outputTransformer is a function that takes the model output and transforms it into the format that Orate expects. In this instance, jaaari/kokoro-82m returns a stream of audio data. Let's create an output transformer for this:

export const outputTransformer = async (response: unknown) => {
  const stream = response as ReadableStream;
  const reader = stream.getReader();
  const chunks: Uint8Array[] = [];
  while (true) {
    const { done, value } = await;
    if (done) {
  const blob = new Blob(chunks, { type: 'audio/mpeg' });
  return new File([blob], 'speech.mp3', {
    type: 'audio/mpeg',

Speech to Text

The Replicate provider provides a stt function that allows you to create a speech-to-text transcription function using any Replicate speech-to-text model.

Again, the Replicate provider is unique in the fact that it requires both an inputTransformer and an outputTransformer to be passed to the stt function. We'll cover how to create these transformers in the next section.

For example, the following code creates a speech-to-text transcription function using the vaibhavs10/incredibly-fast-whisper model.

import { transcribe } from 'orate';
import { replicate } from 'orate/replicate';
import { inputTransformer, outputTransformer } from './incredibly-fast-whisper-utils';
import audio from './audio.wav';
const text = await transcribe({
  model: replicate.stt('vaibhavs10/incredibly-fast-whisper:3ab86df6c8f54c11309d4d1f930ac292bad43ace52d10c80d87eb258b3c9f79c', inputTransformer, outputTransformer),

Input Transformer

The inputTransformer is a function that takes the Orate input and transforms it into the format that the model expects. In this instance, vaibhavs10/incredibly-fast-whisper expects an object with an property. Also, the property must be a hosted URL. Let's create an input transformer for this:

export const inputTransformer = (audio: File) => {
  // Upload audio somewhere
  const url = '';
  return { input: { audio: url } };

Output Transformer

The outputTransformer is a function that takes the model output and transforms it into the format that Orate expects. In this instance, vaibhavs10/incredibly-fast-whisper returns a string. Let's create an output transformer for this:

export const outputTransformer = (response: unknown) => (
  (response as { text: string }).text

Speech Isolation

The Replicate provider provides a isl function that allows you to create a speech isolation function using Replicate's speech isolation model.

import { isolate } from 'orate';
import { replicate } from 'orate/replicate';
import { inputTransformer, outputTransformer } from './audiosep-utils';
const speech = await isolate({
  model: replicate.isl(

Input Transformer

The inputTransformer is a function that takes the Orate input and transforms it into the format that the model expects. In this instance, cjwbw/audiosep expects an object with an audio_file property and a text property that defines the sound to isolate. Also, the audio_file property must be a hosted URL. Let's create an input transformer for this:

export const inputTransformer = (audio: File) => {
  // Upload audio somewhere
  const url = '';
  return {
    input: {
      audio_file: url,
      text: 'speech',

Output Transformer

The outputTransformer is a function that takes the model output and transforms it into the format that Orate expects. In this instance, cjwbw/audiosep returns a stream of audio data. Let's create an output transformer for this:

export const outputTransformer = async (response) => {
  const stream = response as ReadableStream;
  const reader = stream.getReader();
  const chunks: Uint8Array[] = [];
  while (true) {
    const { done, value } = await;
    if (done) {
  const blob = new Blob(chunks, { type: 'audio/mp3' });
  return new File([blob], 'isolated.mp3', {
    type: 'audio/mpeg',

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