
Speech to Speech

Change the voice of your audio with AI

Orate provides a simple and unified API for changing the voice of your audio using various AI providers. The speech-to-speech functionality is accessible through the change function.


The basic usage involves importing the change function from Orate and your chosen provider. For example, to use ElevenLabs' speech-to-speech model, you can import the ElevenLabs provider and use its sts function:

import { change } from 'orate';
import { elevenlabs } from 'orate/elevenlabs';
import audio from './audio.wav';
const speech = await change({
  model: elevenlabs.sts('multilingual_v2', 'aria'),


The model parameter is a function that returns a model instance. The model instance is a function that takes an audio file and returns a promise that resolves to the new audio.

const model = elevenlabs.sts();


The audio parameter is a File object that contains the audio data to be changed.

const audio = new File([audioBuffer], 'audio.wav', { type: 'audio/wav' });

Orate uses a File object because it is supported by all major browsers and can be easily converted to other formats. Additionally, the various AI providers require the audio data to be in a specific format, and the File object is the most convenient way to determine the audio format.

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