
Speech to Text

Transform spoken words into meaningful text with unparalleled accuracy, speed and reliability; powered by leading AI providers.

Orate provides a simple and unified API for transcribing audio into text using various AI providers. The speech-to-text functionality is accessible through the transcribe function.


The basic usage involves importing the transcribe function from Orate and your chosen provider. For example, to use OpenAI's speech-to-text model, you can import the OpenAI provider and use its stt function:

import { transcribe } from 'orate';
import { assembly } from 'orate/assembly';
import audio from './audio.wav';
const text = await transcribe({
  model: assembly.stt('best'),


The model parameter is a function that returns a model instance. The model instance is a function that takes an audio file and returns a promise that resolves to the transcription of the audio.

const model = openai.stt();


The audio parameter is a File object that contains the audio data to be transcribed.

const audio = new File([audioBuffer], 'audio.wav', { type: 'audio/wav' });

Orate uses a File object because it is supported by all major browsers and can be easily converted to other formats. Additionally, the various AI providers require the audio data to be in a specific format, and the File object is the most convenient way to determine the audio format.

Audio formats

Orate endeavours to support all audio formats and handle conversions for the various providers. If you encounter an error, please let us know and we will do our best to support your use case.

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